Porneia definition. In the Old Testament, all sexual sin was prohibited by the Mosaic Law and Jewish custom. Porneia definition

 In the Old Testament, all sexual sin was prohibited by the Mosaic Law and Jewish customPorneia definition  This is God’s will for our life

That is, it refers to sexual activity with someone who is not your spouse. Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? Marriage In Splendor. Of course, Scripture forbids all sexual immorality, which translates the Greek word porneia. Any illicit sexual activity outside of marriage. Homosexuals activists are fond of arguing that Jesus never spoke a word against homosexuality. It forms all or part of: appraise; appreciate; depreciate; interpret; praise; precious; price; pornography. What that whole discussion by your student ignores is: firstly, there was no dating or physical intimacy prior to an arranged marriage in the vast majority of cases. For John MacArthur, it “ refers to any illicit sexual intercourse, whether or not either of the parties is married. Pronounce: por-ni'-ah. v-vi); and that a porne is a com-mercial harlot. RSV) or immorality (as in NCE) to cover all sexual intercourse except between husband and wife or concubine 2:. Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? Explaining The Bible Verse-By-Verse. 18. a) Ehebruch, Unzucht, Homosexualität, Lesbentum, Umgang mit Tieren etc. adultère, fornication, homosexualité, mœurs d’une lesbienne, relation avec des animaux etc. ”. The Greek word (porneia) refers to any kind of sexual relation outside of heterosexual marriage. 2. I've previously written the below post analysing what porneia means, based largely on Harper, “Porneia: The Making of a Christian Sexual Norm,” JBL 131:1 (2011): 363-383. in biblical use adultery. The word pornography is a construction from the two roots porneia and graphe. Porneia es un término usado en la Biblia que a menudo se traduce como inmoralidad sexual. to commit fornication. As a metaphor, the word is probably also used to mean worship of idols. b. Porneia is not simply about sex. In the Bible, adultery is used in the normal sense as sexual. It is variously translated as fornication, unchastity, or sexual immorality. NAS Exhaustive Concordance. Others have said that masturbation is an act that. Then it states that in the Bible the word can refer to adultery. Phonetic Spelling: (por-ni’-ah) Quick Definition: fornication. Porneia is understood to involve the grossly immoral use of the genital organ(s) of at least one human; also there must have been two or more parties (including another consenting human or a beast), whether of the same sex or the opposite sex. More specifically, is sex with someone you love, like a boyfriend or girlfriend, specifically deemed immoral in the Bible, or is this another misrepresented sin lumped…Word: porneia. He states that "the word 'fornication' has gone out of fashion and is not in. Porneia is a noun based upon another Greek word porne meaning a harlot or prostitute who inevitably was an unmarried woman. Der Gebrauch des Wortes in den Evangelien und den Episteln bezieht sich immer auf die sexuelle Sünde, wohingegen sich das griechische Wort für „Unzucht“ in der. We need to understand what was meant by PORNEIA and then apply that definition. Sinful sexual intercourse can and does include sodomy or homosexual activity. as fornication in the KJV and sexual immorality in the NIV, is confusing. The word for “fornication” that was used when recording the statements of Jesus and his disciples is the Greek word por·neiʹa. Adultery and Fornication: When Paul begins his list of the works of the flesh, he begins with the sexual sins of adultery, fornication, and uncleanness. 10:11, metaph. The Greek root word, porniea, however, appears many times in the New Testament. Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? Explaining The Bible Verse-By-Verse. View NT results in the MGNT Greek concordance. Also below are examples within Bible verses highlighted in yellow (follow this link to go there). Word Origin akin to porné Definition a fornicator NASB Translation fornicators (2), immoral (2), immoral men (1), immoral people (2), immoral person (1), immoral persons (2). The definition does not explicitly list pre-maritial sex so to prove it is an instance of porneia one must prove it falls under the broader terms used in the Strong's Concordance definition. v-vi); and that a porne is a com-mercial harlot. The other Greek word is " moicheia ", which corresponds to the Hebrew "na'af" and expresses action in relation to marriage and translated usually with adultery. ”) PORNEIA INSIDE MARRIAGE — Claim and retraction. The definition of porneia, on cue, can expand like an accordion. The reason this occurred is that Ϛ is a ligature of σ and τ. God. 32 and 19. The Greek word porneia means that your spouse has had sex with another person, male or female, or an animal. relation sexuelle illicite adultère, fornication, homosexualité, mœurs d'une lesbienne, relation avec des animaux etc. Porneia is a Greek term used in the New Testament, primarily attributed to Jesus and the apostle Paul. the pornos is a gigolo, not a john” (369). porneia pronunciation - How to properly say porneia. “Sexual immorality (porneia)” Category: “The eleven disfellowshipping offenses. . shuffling while walking. Also below are examples within Bible verses highlighted in yellow (follow this link to go there). Therefore, the reading sequence starts with the oldest book written in the Old Testament (O. Matthew 5:32 N-GFS. In Bible times por·neiʹa was used in referring to a broad range of unlawful sexual. Tap or hover on blue, underlined words to see more original scripture and meanings. Sexual immorality in general. This seems like the best course of action in most cases. For an explanation of porneia, please visit, “Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible?” The definition of porneia, on cue, can expand like an accordion. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual ( porneiai | πορνεῖαι | nom pl fem) immorality, theft, false witness, slander. 8I recommend replication of a database search, including assessment of data, as a pedagogi-cal exercise. b) Geschlechtsverkehr mit nahen Verwandten; Lew. ) The Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon tells us. It is a comprehensive term for various sexually immoral acts. ) is only a prelude to understanding the specific idea the writer is conveying to the reader within a set of words. , p. Scholars have been struggling for years over the definition of porneia in the Bible. ( n. Naturally, this provides a perfect opportunity for modern commentators and dogmatists to interpret as whatever they personally find objectionable. That sin will be forgiven when the adulterer repents. Thayer's Greek Lexicon. The only difference between the two Greek words απόστολος and αποϚολος are the two letters στ and and the letter Ϛ. ” It specifically has reference to “illicit sexual intercourse. The term porneia is a Greek term that has two basic meanings: 1. NAS: and they will suffer [for] your unfaithfulness, until. The modern dictionary definition of fornication is voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other, which would include adultery. We may also remark that metaphorically idolatry is often called by this. But the higher goal of the Christian should be to remain in the marriage and. (1 Corintios 6:13) «Las viandas para el vientre, y. Definition: a prostitute Usage: a prostitute; met: an idolatrous community. For John MacArthur, it “ refers to any illicit sexual intercourse, whether or not either of the parties is married. If you look in the Bible for a definition of it, though, you’ll come up empty-handed. Jesus emphasized the fact that He was teaching. They are wrong. I've been studying a bit on the word porneia and wanted to know > if > fornication is an accurate translation or would "harlotry" or. Likewise, Friberg's Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament defines porneia as being "generally, every kind of extramarital, unlawful or unnatural sexual intercourse". I give it the definition of "being a sell out to any sort of wicked lusts. Dans le Nouveau Testament, le terme grec traduit par immoralité sexuelle est porneia, dont le sens inclut l’adultère et l’inceste. Words have meaning in context. In other, later contexts it denotes "unchastity, illicit sexual relations" of any kind ("fornication" is a somewhat archaic but common translation). Illicit sexual intercourse is that involving a married man with one other than his wife . What Is Fornication? The word fornication is a common English translation (KJV) of the Greek word porneia, from which we derive the word pornography. Porneia is used 32 times in the New Testament. What does porneia mean? Information and translations of porneia in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Like the one who com- mits adultery. com> wrote: I don't know, Harry. While often translated as “fornication” or “sexual immorality” in English Bibles, porneia encompasses a broader spectrum of sexual sins, including. Porneia is understood to involve the grossly immoral use of the genital organ(s) of at least one human; also there must have been two or more parties (including another consenting human or a beast), whether of the same sex or the opposite sex. The lexicon definition of the noun porneia is “prostitution, unchastity, fornication, of every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse. ” 260 This holds true for the Hebrew parallel term “zanh” and the use of porneia in the Septuagint. The word “immoralities” is the Greek word for porneia. ”. The definition of porneia, on cue, can expand like an accordion. Definition of porneia in the Definitions. Do not have premarital sex–just get married. e. He repeated the word “I” so that Jesus statement literally says, “I, I say. The word porneia is an umbrella term — one under which a number of different situations fit — for sex gone wrong. Translators differ how to best translate this Greek word. An emphatic form of the verb, ekporneuo[ejkporneuvw]," indulging in sexual immorality, " occurs in Jude 7. the pornos is a gigolo, not a john” (369). Where our English translations read 'fornication', Paul's original Greek word was 'porneia' which means to sell and refers to slaves bought and sold for cultic prostitution. Pope St. That is, the person who a) did not commit the sexual sin and b) is not the unbeliever filing for divorce, is then free to remarry. These objections are often regarded as being based directly on Leviticus 17–18. Por·neiʹa is related to the verb por·neuʹo, meaning “to give one’s self to unlawful sexual intercourse. If pornography is a contemporary form of porneia, then David Murray may be correct to suggest that it constitutes a legitimate reason for divorce. Influenced by the biblical image. This is a thorough bible study about the meaning of the Greek word πορνεία, 'porneia' translated 'fornication', Strong's 4202. ASecularBuddhist Secular Buddhist, Secular Christian. The matter about which you write continues to be vigorously debated, and, as you know, no agreement appears to be in sight. In the New Testament, the word most often translated “sexual immorality” is porneia. 11,12. Gal. of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols. Ce terme est employé dans les Évangiles et les Épîtres en référence au péché. Login . ” 17 DIVORCE AND THE MEANING OF PORNEIA. e. An inexperienced woman may not understand she has started the “car,” but the man knows the “car” has started and will crave more and demand more. Besides all the talk of "hypothetical" yet very specific situations that made me laugh, Gary Breaux's extensive definition of porneia actually angered me. Porneia could be whatever the audience considered sexually improper. sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. Learn the audio pronunciation, word origin and usage in the Bible, plus scripture verse references of Moicheia. Ce terme peut être traduit en français par impudicité, infidélité,. Email To: Your Address: Comments: (optional)Porneia became synonymous with life in the 1st century, reflected by: a. ” 14 Other lexicons use additionally: “of every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse,” 15 “lewdness, or any sexual sin,”16 and simply “sexual immorality of any kind. Tools. A New Use of the Term. For more information about porneia read “Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible?”Pornography, representation of sexual behavior in books, pictures, statues, films, and other media that is intended to cause sexual excitement. (n. 5: 32, I Cor. The NKJV and HCSB translate it the same as the ESV while the NET & NASB simply translate it as. ”. Defining ‘Porneia’ Jeffrey W. A blanket definition. These are topics that Jesus addressed in his ministry; thus, they are the evils the church should be tackling today. A definition of "fornication" (New Testament Greek, porneia) is "any sexual sin. Porneia is a Greek word that essentially means “illicit sexual activity. Two other Greek words having the same root – porneuo a verb, and pornos a. Flee sexual G4202 immorality G4202. 2) metaphorically the worship of idols. . The Definition of Fornication First of all, we know that Jesus said that a man could divorce his wife for “fornication” and marry another without being guilty of sin (Matthew 19:9). from a compound of (1) (as a negative particle. 1 Cor 6:9 badly mistranslate "porneia" as fornication. Such sexual acts include adultery, bestiality, fornication by having sex without first being married with each other, incest, etc. The translation of porneia, et al. It is used 25 times in the New Testament, most often translated "fornication. ( 1 Corintios 6:13. Notice that 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 urges us to not touch a woman which is a Jewish figure of speech to avoid sexual touching. So if you want to know what porneia is, study Deuteronomy and Leviticus to find sex acts that are noted as sins (thou shall not type verses). whoring, fornication, behavior similar to a whore. 378). 'cheating'), pornography viewing, and masturbation. Jeremiah 3:2. This definition is clearly bound up with biblical exegesis and mirrors the opinion of most, if not all, exegetes who take up the task of describing what the. In other, later contexts it denotes "illicit. Spiritual porneia is the worship of idols, which is the worship of anything other than God. e. The lexicons are consistent in their broadness of defining this word, but there remainsDIVORCE AND THE MEANING OF PORNEIA. HEB: וְנָשְׂא֖וּ אֶת־ זְנוּתֵיכֶ֑ם עַד־ תֹּ֥ם. Unchastity is also translated as immorality or porneia. Definition: uncleanness Usage: uncleanness, impurity. First-century Jews such as Paul viewed this as any sexual activity outside of lawful, biblical. ". Gesenius, Thesaurus, i. 1. Define ‘porneia’ as used in the Bible. What Christians Should Know. See 4202 (porneia). brew term "zanah" is translated in the Septuagint Version (Greek Translation of the Old Testament). It can include adultery. fornication. In 1972, the definition of porneia was marital unfaithfulness. By Jamie McNab . The lexicon definition of the noun porneia is “prostitution, unchastity, fornication, of every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse. fornicor ): 1 Corinthians 6:18; 1 Corinthians 10:8; Revelation 2:14, 20; ( Mark 10:19 WH (rejected) marginal reading). ”. Ultimately, teachings on sexual immorality are about justice. a. A ligature is a combination of two letters. authors call porneia. of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols. Porneia is understood to involve the grossly immoral use of the genital organ(s) of at least one human; also there must have been two or more parties (including another consenting human or a beast), whether of the same sex or the opposite sex. This includes sex before marriage, adultery, homosexuality, incest, prostitution, or bestiality (Green, p. Porneia has such a wide variety of meanings and functions based upon context and other criteria that it becomes easy for any exegete to interpret it in such a way that is consistent with his preconceived notions of a passage. The word fornication in Matthew 5:32 is often taken to denote an act of adultery, however an in-depth study will prove this understanding false, and confirm the true usage of this Greek word “porneia” in this particular passage, which is fornication, pre-material sex (RSB note). e. This fact means that for the other meanings ascribed to the porneia word group, recourse porneia. The reasoning is backward, inaccurate, and improper. Discover the original meaning of Porneia in the NAS Bible using the New Testament Greek Lexicon - King James Version. 7: 1 ff). For an explanation of how to walk by the Spirit please read, “ God’s Will – Be Filled With The. Scripture never mentions it by name. ” The GB has continued to add ‘precise definitions’ that are not found in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Close. (1 Corintios 5:1) «De cierto se oye que hay entre vosotros fornicación, y tal fornicación cual ni aun se nombra entre los gentiles; tanto que alguno tiene la mujer de su padre». People there could get sex any way they wanted it. In Acts 15:29, it is proposed that, to avoid offending Jewish believers, Gentile converts abstain from eating idol meat, blood, strangled animals, and from porneia. Explaining The Bible Verse-By-Verse. ”[2, 3] Harper’s Bible Dictionary states that porneia also includes “bestially. Porneia includes a very wide range of sexual sins. "Greek Lexicon entry for Moicheia". xv 30). Transliteration: porneia. Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? 1 Corinthians 6:18 . From this Greek word we get the English word pornography. ”[4] The meaning is also illustrated in a variety of other New Testament passages as given in. Notice that 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 urges us to not touch a woman which is a Jewish figure of speech to avoid sexual touching. g. To begin to get a sense of what it means to do sex in ways that deny God’s reality,. . ακαθαρσια noun - nominative singular feminine akatharsia ak-ath-ar-see'-ah: impurity (the quality), physically or morally -- uncleanness. HELPS Word-studies. Now we becomes discover what the Greece dictionaries say porneia means. Such sins as sex outside of marriage, adultery (sex between a married person and an unmarried person), incest, lesbianism, homosexuality, and beastiality. E. In addition, there is usually a. And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits. For John MacArthur, it “ refers to any illicit sexual intercourse, whether or not either of the parties is married. “The Greek word for ‘fornication’ (porneia) could include any sexual sin committed after the betrothal contract. homosexuality, promiscuity,. Someplace else Paul condemns the newest forbidding out-of heterosexual The underlying keyword to have immorality inside passageway try porneia, definition illicit sexual activity, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, intercourse that have pet otherwise intimate family members, or sex that have a lay #1: My pleasure is an essential most. Definition. Porneia has such a wide variety of meanings and functions based upon context and other criteria that it becomes easy for any exegete to interpret it in such a way that is consistent with his preconceived notions of a passage. This verb is in the present tense which implies that he had been hearing about the sin of immorality. It is a general, inclusive word for any kind of sexual immorality and occurs about 25 times in the New Testament. ". View NT results in the TR Greek concordance. to prostitute one's body to the lust of another. The real shame is that people are lumping whatever they assume is in the English phrase "sexual immorality" and then claiming, as you did, that the Greek must also include the same idea. ” In. Greek Word Is “ Porneia ” Definition: “A Word Used Generally To Refer To Any Sexual Sin. Featured Articles. sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mk. NAS: You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's. The phrase indicates sexual behavior that the speaker/writer (s) views negatively but leaves exactly what that sexual behavior is unstated. In the New Testament, fornication is often the translation of the Greek word porneia that includes sexual immorality of many kinds, both adultery and other sexual sins. But he had been hearing from someone in the church that a man was committing immorality with a woman. What does πορνεία (porneía) mean in Greek? πορνεία. Numbers 14:33. English words for πορνεία include prostitution, fornication, whoring, harlotry, whoredom and white slavery. The definition of porneia, on cue, can expand like an accordion. Abstain means exactly that—abstain. Use SBL Abbrev. metaph. Some of the Christ- followers in that area started to become idle and. deriving from even these three groups is that porneia refers to idolatry and the cultic sexual practices bound up with it (in Ap); that porneia means incest (I Cor. If a Christian will walk by the Spirit, he or she will increasingly stop committing the sin of fornication. 1b) sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. are: ekporneuō, porneia, porneuō, pornē, and pornos. The systematic inequality existing between women and men is a sin just as much as adultery or porn. I have been studying a lot of Greek terms in the New Testament. Porneia is the Greek word translated: "immorality, or fornication in some texts. By this definition, porneia can be applied to a number of activities: promiscuity, fornication/adultery (i. Hosea 1:2. ”Concordance Results Shown Using the TR. With this meaning in mind, according to the exception clause, any participation in sexual perversion/misconduct is an exception to Jesus’. I understand abuse as a kind of porneia. Se puede usar para adulterio, incesto, sexo prematrimonial, etc. Porneia comes from another Greek word that also includes indulging in any kind of unlawful lust, which would include homosexuality. Yet previous debates over the meaning of the term πορνεία have played out exactly as though there must be a precise and stable meanillicit sexual intercourse. It seems to be an example of "painting the target around the arrow": where "sexual. NAS: to yourself a wife of harlotry and [have] children. This has led some to the conclusion that masturbation may or may not be a sin – it falls into the gray zone. INT: the nakedness wife of your father's. 1) illicit sexual intercourse. I'm not really sure where to start here, but after watching the Pillowgate video, I'm flabbergasted. First Corinthians 5:1–2 tells us that they did so by tolerating a particular kind of sexual immorality in the church—“a man has his father’s wife. In Biblical usage, ‘fornication’ can mean any. c. Concordance Results Shown Using the ESV. From this Greek word we get the English word pornography. This means the grounds for divorce is the same. Unfortunately, many false teachers lie and claim that Jesus provided an "exception. Their attitude toward adultery: "We keep mistresses for pleasure, concubines for day-to-day needs of the body, but we have wives in order to produce children legitimately and to have a trustworthy guardian of our homes" - Demosthenes b. Porneia is often said to refer to prostitution, but in Greek, he notes, “πορνεία does not mean ‘prostitution’ in the abstract sense of ‘the institution of venal sex’. Likewise, Friberg's Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament defines porneia as being "generally, every kind of extramarital, unlawful or unnatural sexual intercourse". BRUCE MALINA Omaha, Nebraska In contemporary English usage, fornication means "i : human sexual intercourse other than between a man and his wife: sexual intercourse. It is sin. For John MacArthur, it “ refers to any illicit sexual intercourse, whether or not either of the parties is married. Scriptural ground for divorce: w18. relation sexuelle avec un ou une divorcée ; Marc 10. The apostolic council established ethical requirements for gentile Christians to abstain in keeping with the Mosaic law, which occur in Leviticus 17:8 – 18:30 and apply to both. HELPS word-Studies 4202 porneía (the root of the English terms "pornography, pornographic"; cf. Noun [ edit] πορνείᾱ • (porneíā) f (genitive πορνείᾱς); first declension whoring, prostitution, provision of sex for money whoring, fornication, behavior similar. This is God’s will for our life. Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? Is oral sex within marriage wrong? What does the Bible say about foreplay and sex in marriage? Explaining The Bible Verse-By-Verse. Definition. 4205 /pórnos ) which is derived from pernaō , "to sell off") – properly, a selling off (surrendering) of sexual purity; promiscuity of any (every) type. A Greek dictionary is called a Greek lexicon. Yet previous debates over the meaning of the term πορνεία have played out exactly as though there must be a precise and stable mean illicit sexual intercourse. HEB: לֹ֣א תְגַלֵּ֑ה עֶרְוַ֥ת אָבִ֖יךָ הִֽוא׃. Other versions of the Bible translate this word in a variety of ways. Strong’s number: G4202. (n. (por-ni’-ah) Nom féminin. The New Living Translation (NLT) translates the speak as “unfaithful” also, unfortunately, misses the significance of porneia. This means that there are a wide. b. Adultère, fornication, homosexualité, moeurs d'une lesbienne, relation avec des animaux etc. El significado de porneia es tener relaciones sexuales antes del matrimonio, adulterio, incesto y otros actos sexuales considerados inmorales. πορνεία (porneia) est un terme grec trouvé 25 fois dans la Bible. The word “fornication” derives from the Greek term porneia, one of a cognate group of five words that together occur fifty-five times in the New Testament. a. Looking at a word such as porneia (proveuo, porna, pornos, moicheia, etc. See, for instance, Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? on NeverThirsty. G4202 - πορνεία porneía, por-ni'-ah; from ; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively, idolatry:—fornication. 1a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc. sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mark:10,11. This word is also translated as “whoredom,” “fornication,” and “idolatry. sexual intercourse with. T. Porneia - Diccionario Pastoral. However, the Hebrew word transcribed as “fornication” in the Old Testament was also in the meaning. It was a. It refers to any kind of intimate, sexual encounter apart from one's marital partner. Answering Your Bible questions. Introduction. the worship of idols. The noun form is found twenty-five times, predominately in the letters of Paul. Strong's Number G4202 matches the Greek πορνεία ( porneia ), which occurs 26 times in 25 verses in the TR Greek. Since the husband is the head of the wife, some church fathers took sex with the woman on top to be porneia. In short, porneia is a hard word to translate because it has both a Greco-Roman worldview on sexuality and gender tied up with it and the fact that it was used after the period of composition for the New Testament as a technical term within Christian writings about sexual acts. [page needed] Lee Gatiss also argues that porneia encompasses all forms of premarital sex. 'Weak' because the phrase is much broader and more vague than the actual Greek word it is supposed to be translating. Mr. ” 12 G. Answering Your Bible questions. Meaning of the Greek Word Porneia. Notice that Jesus does not give the. Best Regards, Harry Jones George F Somsel <gfsomsel at yahoo. of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols. Intercourse Is for Marriage Number 2, gender is going to be liked just in-marriage Someplace else Paul condemns brand new forbidding out of heterosexual The root word to possess immorality within this passage are porneia, definition illegal intercourse, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, sex which have animals or close family unit…El significado esencial de porneia es perversión sexual o relación sexual ilícita. Kittel provides a very complete definition of porneia stating that it has a broad meaning and includes “adultery, fornication, licentiousness, and homosexuality. It was a. We need to understand what was meant by porneia and then apply that definition. Answering Your Bible questions. Sex Positions On The Bed. In some localities the rate is even greater. Forms and Transliterations. Notice that every divorced spouse who remarries commits adultery and causes their new spouse to commit adultery, unless the divorce was “for the reason of unchastity. Jesus said “porneia/πορνεία” is a reason for divorce. It is a research tool for publications in various languages produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses. The definition and references of Greek words can only be made by a study of the contexts in the NT where these words occur. Today, though, the term fornication means something. Tools. a.